Experienced Tax Preparation

Get It Right,
The First Time

Avantage is There to Help

Results Matter
Precision Too

Our strength, Your numbers

When Every
Money Counts

Your Reliable Tax Partner

Getting your Taxes done, simply

The office provides a variety of services in the field of taxation, as:
• tax consulting services in various types of taxes ( General – VAT (Value Added Tax) - salaries and wages tax - stamp tax - withholding taxes - property taxes)
• Review the processing and representation of companies in the tax examination & inspection of the various types of taxes.

Expert Guidance

The office provides project evaluation services and economic feasibility studies, technical, environmental and financial analysis and by following scientific methods for evaluation and analysis according ..


The office provides accounting & auditing services to many companies in Egypt and Arab countries and that its activity varies between agricultural, industrial, commercial, service, real state, food...

Tax Resolution

Review the processing and representation of companies in the tax examination & inspection of the various types of taxes.


Review the financial statements for companies according to the accounting and auditing standards Egyptian and Egyptian laws in force
Done fast, done right

Making Taxes look easy

Tax consulting services in various types of taxes ( General – VAT (Value Added Tax) - salaries and wages tax - stamp tax - withholding taxes - property taxes)
Review the periodic activity according of the accounting and auditing standards Egyptian
Capital Growth
Prepare industrial registration for industrial companies also Licenses for agricultural, tourism companies and Egyptian federation for construction building contractors, healthy, sport
Cost Savings
As well as the establishment of lawsuits on taxes and administrative detention, executive and business transactions and banks also represent the client before the courts of all grades - in tax issues and commercial transactions.
IRS Protection
The IRS. It helps prevent identity thieves from filing fraudulent tax returns using a taxpayers
Quickly cultivate optimal processes and tactical architectures. Iterate covalent strategic theme.
Save Money
Financial planning encompasses a wide variety of different financial matters including debt management, budgeting, investing, saving and retirement planning.

Incorporation and legal services

Establishment of companies for all kinds and do all the procedures established for the companies through:
  • Provide technical advice to the client on the legal form of the proposal or the proposed law which will be established under the umbrella of the company.
  • All established procedures for all types of businesses.
  • Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, Extra Ordinary …
  • Sector of economic performance (merger, division, liquidation, change in legal form)


  • Registration of a trademark for the company “registered trademark”, patents and all intellectual property rights.
  • Prepare industrial registration for industrial companies also Licenses for agricultural, tourism companies and Egyptian federation for construction building contractors, healthy, sport
Done fast, done right


Money is only as good as the memories it buys you
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Our vision

We understand that it’s not just about the money – it’s about achieving the dreams you have in your heart, for yourself and for your loved ones. We know that for each person those dreams will be different. This is why we are passionate about YOUR VISION and helping YOU achieve YOUR right balance
[bt_bb_progress_bar_advanced type=”circle” percentage=”92″ duration=”” easing=”bounce” text=”” icon=”taxesaccounting_e92f” url=”” target=”_self” size=”xlarge” thickness=”large” trail_thickness=”progressbar” color_from=”#2e4682″ color_to=”#2e4682″ text_color=”#50dec8″ trail_color=”#ffffff” fill_color=”” responsive=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_bb_progress_bar_advanced]


Many of our life dreams require financial support – whether it’s retiring comfortably, starting a family, taking that trip around the world, beginning a new business or purchasing a property.
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With the right planning in the right place, MHM turns your dreams into achievable goals, enabling you to live your best life.
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We exist to accelerate our customers’ progress, keeping them relevant in the digital economy and directly contributing to their success.
Focus on what’s Important

Let’s talk about improving your economic.

Are you worried about a possible audit from the IRS or a collective action being taken against you? Don’t wait until it’s too late. The experts at MHM are here to assist you with all of your tax needs. Taxes can be stressful and confusing, but our consultants can make it easy.